ursusbear's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 75235
Age 62
Height 6'0" ft
  (183 cm)
Weight 198 lb
  (90 kg)
Sexually is top
City Teteringen
Zip / postal 4847 EC
Country Netherlands
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date

Profile text:

Hi there,

We're a bear-couple from the south of the Netherlands. We're 62 and 78 years old and would like to meet up with other bears or bearcouples for friendship and if the chemistry is right a lot more.
We're not into scat, piss, sm or all other kinds of "dirty" stuff. But we do enjoy a good kiss and cuddle, with some great tongue- and mouthwork here AND there. Otherwise: NO smoking, NO shaving! We like our men as nature intended. we are both tops!
If you are visiting the Netherlands we would love to HAVE ya!
Dutch bears and/or couples can also apply. OF COURSE!

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age 62 - IL, United States
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