Dart's profile

Profile ID: 312834
Age 68
Height 6'4" ft
  (193 cm)
Weight 185 lb
  (84 kg)
Sexually is versatile
City Leesburg
Zip / postal 31763
State Georgia
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

I am not your average gay American man . That is, I am not into the stereotypical gay culture scene. I don't drink to excess, I don't do drugs of any kind, I don't measure my self-worth by what I drive or wear, and I don't like drag. I'm more of a (no drama), All-American, clean-cut, relaxed guy who just happens to find men attractive. I'd really like to find a (norml) guy, if there is such a man, and to create a life with him. I'm looking for a guy who accepts me for who I am, who likes to enjoy the simple things in life and the better things <email hidden - non-supporting user - send a message instead>'m not worried so much about the material things in life, I work and take care of myself and that is all I ask of anyone else. I'm very LTR minded, but not obsessive about it. I am 6'4", 195lbs, born in 1956 am in good shape, some what hairy, sexually versatile. I'm pretty vanilla as far as sex goes, always safe (never bareback unless I'm in a relationship, and sometimes not even then). Prefer 'slow and easy' to 'hard and fast'(kissing, body contact, mutual oral, etc.). It isn't always about sex with me, sometimes it is just about holding hands.

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