Brad J.'s profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 302299
Age 74
Height 5'11" ft
  (180 cm)
Weight 225 lb
  (102 kg)
City near KC
State Missouri
Country United States
Seeking friends

Profile text:

Just looking for intimate chat for now. I'll expand my involvement with men at some time. Just now dipping my toes in the water. I am an exhibitionist that enjoys c2c with friends. Bi-curious I guess. Never been with a man but want to experience this on a kind of try it to see if I like it before going further. So far I know I like skyping with men. My fantasies include strolling nude on a warm summers day. Being seen by many and watched in acts of my self pleasure and while giving those on-lookers sexual pleasure.

My skype: longhornbrad

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