Kevin's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 278450
Age 71
Height 6'1" ft
  (185 cm)
Weight 265 lb
  (120 kg)
City Brighton
Country United Kingdom
Seeking sex partner(s)

Profile text:

I am a bear of 71 years old. I have salt and pepper hair and wear glasses. Hairy all over including back arse crack and sack. Like mainly vanilla sex not really into fucking just like the fun and company of other men. Have been in a relationship for over 33 years but it is an open one however we do not play together. Would only meet with a photograph. I am always up for being photographed or videoed by those guys who like the more stocky and hairy guys like me .So contract me if you what you see and are also into this . I am also willing to pose for life drawing should anyone wish me to .

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