DDallas's profile

Profile ID: 276270
Age 75
Height 6'2" ft
  (188 cm)
Weight 201 lb
  (91 kg)
Sexually is bottom
City East of Dallas
Zip / postal 75181
State Texas
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

HMe? ORAL Giving. I Absolutely L O V E to Suck it!!
FEED ME! LOVE That ManMeat..
Let it Melt in my👄 Not in your🖐
Clergy? Educators? Discretion is Absolutely Assured!!

My PassioI is Sucking it! Long, Slow & DEEP😜
Just Love Worshiping a Nice Fleshy Throbbing Cock!!
Not unusual for me to have a Cock in my mouth
and throat for an hour or more. No Need to Rush.

Just LOVE it so very much!

How about Regular Fun & Relief???
Or just Occasionally? You tell me.

Let me work on that beautiful ManMeat!

Feed me your cock while you watch, as it slides smoothly
ALL the way down my loving mouth and throat.

Are there ANY TOPS in here ?!?!

Doesn't anyone just want a good Blow Job Anymore?
I just LOVE it so much !!!!
Slow and Easy - Laid back relaxing or humping my face.
Or maybe a bit of both.

Let's make it last a while - ALL the way, of course!

Sorry I CANNOT Host - not at first anyway.

Do you need something fixed? Junk Hauled off?

Direct Contact - ok now you try it
Without the spaces on the "Y" place.

Please send a pic, OK? I do love those pics

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