tnman's profile - supporters can see gallery

Profile ID: 241274
Age 69
Height 6'0" ft
  (183 cm)
Weight 280 lb
  (127 kg)
Sexually is versatile
City west TN
Zip / postal 38134
State Tennessee
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

only two messages a day.

kind of shy and not likely to make contact first.

if you don't kiss or suck dick we are not a match.

single and looking for a buddy to play with on a regular basis. hairy & uncut A+, but not a must. me, full beard, s&p hair,oral a/p,kissing,body contact, more with the right man, maybe a LTR. would love to have a buddy to see several times a week or more to hang out, movies, dinner, stay at home and maybe sex! d/d free, non-smoker and prefer the same(do enjoy a cigar sometimes), social drinker.
NO 420 OR PNP!

funny clip

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