Kenya's profile

Profile ID: 16518
Age 71
Height 6'4" ft
  (193 cm)
Weight 249 lb
  (113 kg)
Sexually is bottom
Zip / postal 96749
State Hawaii
Country United States
Seeking sex partner(s)
a date
a relationship

Profile text:

I'm just your average bear looking for a lover, best friend, an equal, a partner. Recently retired. Monogamous and looking for a LTR. My preferences are black/latino/asian, top and able to relocate to Hawaii and see what it has to offer. All answered tho. Hairy, uncut, facial hair enjoyed, but not required. I am a bottom. Love oral, giving and gettin'. I'm a romantic and enjoy passion and an emotional bond. Have many interests. You shorter guys A+. I do not reply to profiles without a pic and I am not at all interested in sissys, fems or cross dressers.

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